Academics (Research)

Gauhati University


In this portal, you will get all the informations related to research and the PhD & MPhil degrees. The nodal office for all research related activities is the Office of the Academic Registrar. This office is also the custodian of published course related documents such as syllabi of different courses etc and is responsible for maintaing their standards. All admministrative functions related to the PhD and MPhil degrees are controlled by the Office of the Academic Registrar, including admissions & registrations for PhD & MPhil courses and all the research procedures leading to the degrees of PhD and MPhil.

The lists of PhD and MPhil awards are published by this office at the beginning of each month.

Gauhati University is committed to maintain the high standards of research in all fields. You can have a glimpse of the kinds of research carried out in GU, by visiting the Research Highlights.


Results of GURET 2024 (Download; Consolidated)

Results of GURET 2024: Department of Environmental Science                                                                                       

Please Find the List of Selected Candidates for PhD Programme  (2023)

Please Find the GURET 2023 Results BelowÂ